الثلاثاء 24 سبتمبر 2024

Prevalent Parasites: Common Types of Equine Internal Parasites

موقع أيام نيوز

migrate to the lungs and end up in the small intestine. Diarrhea is often associated with threadworm infestation and can cause dehydration. Due to current dewormer treatments threadworms today are quite rare.
All horses are expected to have some level of internal parasite burden. Each species of internal parasite infects and impacts horses differently. Understanding how each of these parasites function can help you better understand which management practices such as manure removal from pastures can help reduce populations. Knowing signs and symptoms of infestation for each parasite can also help you recognize when your horse may be dealing with a heavy parasitic load and that treatment and consultation with a veterinarian may be necessary. Conducting routine fecal egg count tests can help determine what the parasite load of your horse is. If you suspect your horse has a heavy parasite burden please contact your veterinarian immediately. Not all dewormers are effective against all parasites so identifying the problem and the correct treatment is essential.