الإثنين 23 سبتمبر 2024

Little Red Pepper's First Hunt

موقع أيام نيوز

is now in charge and we all walk at a sedate pace to the cutoff for the forest paths. The leader moves her horse up to a trot and we traverse for some time without incident.
At this point weve had a couple of hours on the trails with nobody coming off and our horses are tired enough to stand while the first group thunders past. We pass a few jumps and ditches with puddles on our quieter route but as we follow the leaders for the last run our rookies are inspired to attempt the jumps. I laugh as a smiling Kendra cruises past me on Red right through a puddle and then over a log a few paces later. We reach a gravel road leading home as it begins to rain and I watch the steam rising off the horses warm bodies as we settle into a comfortable walk.
The hilltop groups leader approaches now and rides beside me. You know she says You couldnt have a better advertisement for your breed than that little red horse of yours. Shes given that kid a great ride this morning