الإثنين 23 سبتمبر 2024

Grazing Muzzles

موقع أيام نيوز

by laminitis than horses. If you own a pony buy a grazing muzzle because you will eventually need to use it. Thoroughbreds and Standardbreds have a lower risk of developing laminitis but this is probably due to activity level rather than breed. Ponies and horses that have previously been affected with laminitis or are affected with certain other diseases e g. Cushings disease or insulin resistance are at higher risk of developing laminitis. For those higher risk animals a grazing muzzle may be necessary. A less radical solution compared to using a grazing muzzle would be to restrict pasture access by controlling the amount of time they graze. Simply restrict the grazing opportunity to two hours or less per day. Further grazing can be restricted during times of high risk such as during the spring and fall.