الإثنين 23 سبتمبر 2024

What to do When You've Met Your Goals

موقع أيام نيوز

really had done it all achieved it all. Sound a bit boring? Sound like an activity you might want to take a pass on? This is why even after a series of successes even the most proficient rider must find another star to hitch their emotional wagon to. Emotional engagement is present in every elite athlete and even if youre not a professional you require it too.
Take a look at what your most recent accomplishment was and ask yourself what seems to be the most logical next level for you as a rider. If you are feeling as though you need some extra oomph make this a larger step. If you have just dominated the preliminary jumper division dont just consider what the intermediate division will be like allow yourself to dream about the open division. Now that you are feeling appropriately jazzed up take out some paper and make a map for yourself. What will it take to make it to your dream destination? Keep breaking it down until you have shorter term and daily goals. These smaller steps are likely the exact same ones you would have taken next but theyll hold more meaning and drive you onward now that you have those stars in your eyes from staring at your dreams