الإثنين 23 سبتمبر 2024

Relaxation for Riders: Learn to Chill Out!

موقع أيام نيوز

Exercise 4 A Riding Meditation
Begin your riding meditation by focussing on several cycles of deep breathing until you feel your bodys tension dissipate and your focus narrow. Gradually allow your focus to shift from your breath to how both you and your horse feel in this moment together. Become aware of how your arms feel how they connect you to your horses mouth. Allow your awareness to travel as though it is a ray of light. This light is soothing and flows from the bit through the reins into your hands up your forearms past your elbows into your biceps and finally into your shoulders. The light is comforting and allows this beautiful connection between you and your horse. Notice how well he responds to you there is a positive energy that flows between the two of you a pure form of communication. Now imagine that this light continues to travel down your back and into your seat. You become aware of your horses body swaying beneath you. Take a moment to feel as each hip comes forward how your own body absorbs that movement perfectly. Now the light is travelling down into your legs and it rests at the bottom of your heel. You now become aware of your horses sides your legs lightly resting but still feeling the movement underneath you. You feel as though you are one entity now completely absorbed into one being. And you will remember this feeling this oneness the relaxation the sensations of your horse your muscles the calmness and peace and know that you can return to this state once more