الإثنين 23 سبتمبر 2024

Equine Wound Care - Five Things Not To Do

موقع أيام نيوز

When a horse is injured, it can be a very scary time for owners and handlers, especially if there is blood involved. However, it is important to remain calm when dealing with wounds. Here are five things you should not do when your horse is injured:

  • DO NOT apply any ointments, sprays or powders to a wound that will be treated by a veterinarian. While it can be tempting to dress the injury immediately, it is important that the veterinarian examines an untreated wound. If you apply an ointment, powder, or spray before your vet arrives, it will likely need to be removed for the examination. In some cases ointments, sprays, and powders may slow the healing process, so it is important to wait for your vet’s directions. If the horse is bleeding profusely, you can press a clean towel against the wound to help stop the bleeding.
  • DO NOT rush to give your horse pain medication, such as “bute” (phenylbutazone). While the drugs will offer some pain relief, they may also mask a larger issue. For example, a horse with a cut and minor swelling might also have a hairline fracture — if the pain of the fracture is masked, it may go unnoticed and the horse may damage itself further.